A very fine example of the marque! L.K.F. (Little Known Facts about Deloreans!)
1. Hopefully, you know by now that there was only one model of the Delorean DMC-12, right? Good. That will help you later on.
2. Contrary to what people (and insurance companies) may think, parts for the Delorean sports car are readily available from several Delorean specialized centers throughout the country.
3. Do you know what the 12 in DMC-12 stands for? Well, not much - let me tell you that! IN THE BEGINNING (no I'm not quoting from the bible!!) John Z. Delorean had originally planned for his car to cost $12,000. But, due to un-for-seen added features and the rising of the British pound, the price skyrocketed all the way up to $25,000 USD. When asked, John Delorean just shrugged and said that the number "12" just seemed to stick with the car until the end. And that was that!
4. There may have been only one basic model for the car, but there were MANY subtle variations to this "wonderbile" as I call it (Actually, I've never called it that, but what the heck - there's always a first time!). Let's start with the VIN numbers SHALL WE? The 1981 model cars were from approx. VIN 500 to 7199. All 1982s were 10xxx and 11xxx numbered VINS. Then for '83s, even I'M not positively sure, but I think they were VINS either 14xxx or 15xxx all the way up to something like 20xxx. It is very strange, indeed!
To clarify the total numbers of the cars produced, there were over 6,000 '81s, about 1018 '82s and only about 916 '83 model Deloreans ever produced!
Next, the custom options: Out of the roughyl 8,500 Delroeans ever produced, my sources tell me that less than 1,000 were ever made as automatics. The rest were all manual. I HATE MANUAL TRANSMISSIONS! Ahh, automatics...for the truely lazy! The only interior color options were either grey or black. I would much rather prefer a grey interior Delorean myself because in the summer it gets a lot less hot in the car that way. Plus, it's not so intense. But, hey, that's just me talking.
As for the power antenna, first it was basically attached to the winshield. Then, for better reception, Delorean Motor Cars, LTD. moved it over to the stainless panel next to the windshield. Then, finally, it was moved in the rear, left air scoop for a more visually appealing result!
WHAT ABOUT THE HOODS?!?! Yes, the hoods. Three different styles to be exact. In the early 1981 production cars the hood had grooves on each side with a gas flap on the hood in front of the steering wheel. Then, in late '81 the gas flap was permanently removed and just the grooves in the hood remain. Then on the '82 models the grooves were removed too! So, on all '82 and '83 model Deloreans you will only find a flat hood with no gas flap.
Did you know on earlier Deloreans it used to be a 2-key system? Then, they reduced it to one! THANK GOD!
As for the wheels, earlier model Deloreans had a polished wheel effect, while later on, that was replaced with a more silver effect.
THE RADIO: '81s had a Craig® Radio, while the '82s and '83s were replaced with an ASI Radio. The Craig® Radio didn't even have a clock so they put one in near the shifter and then removed it with the replacement of the ASI radios. Interesting stuff, huh?
The automatic transmission shifter was updated and slightly changed to a more square-looking (for its corners) one after about VIN number 3xxx or 38xx. I can't remember!
Then, of course, there were slight mechanical engineering upgrades between the different model years (that's to be expected with any car! DUH!!!). But I don't really think I have the care or attention span to go into all the minute details. I've just covered the basics so far and this knowlege is for YOUR benefit, NOT MINE! SO THERE! HA!
5. The Delorean plant once had over 2,000 employees working there in Dunmurray right outside Belfast. At the time, the Delorean factory was the most newest and advanced car plant in the world. TAKE THAT FORD! SWISH! TAKE THAT HONDA! SMACK! TAKE THAT ASTON MARTIN! (wait...they're cool!)
6. In the beginning, so many people wanted them (yes, they were popular!) that they were on back-order for MONTHS! TAKE THAT ROLLS ROYCE!!! BAM! (No, I'm not Emeril from the food channel, but what the heck...LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH!)
That's all for now. I'll add more info in this section as I remember it all, so keep checking back for more and more and more and more and more and more...(SMACK! Ow, I just hurt myself!) updates.